Canada Warbler - 3rd record for Brazil!

Amazingly within the space of just 4 years Serra dos Tucanos has seen both the 1st and 3rd records of Canada Warbler in Brazil! The latest sighting was last week within the grounds of the lodge. It was observed for a few minutes on the junction of our Extension and Circular Trails.

Now well into our summer here there are plenty of fruiting trees in the forest and in the grounds of the lodge. The lodge feeders although quieter than usual due the abundance of natural fruits are still attracting Maroon bellied and Plain Parakeets, both male and female Blond-crested Woodpeckers, Green Honeycreeper, Orange-bellied, Violaceous and Chestnut-bellied Euphonias, Green-headed, Sayaca, Palm, Brazilian, Golden-chevroned and Ruby-crowned Tanagers. Our Grey-rumped Swifts that nest in the lodge chimney every year have once again raised several youngsters and have been giving good views at dusk flying back into the chimney to roost.

Our hummingbird feeders have seen the return of the Brazilian Ruby, this species overwinters in the lodge grounds and although a little early its already ruling most of the feeders! Other hummers being recorded around the lodge at the moment include Saw-billed Hermit, Reddish Hermit, Rufous-breasted Hermit, Swallow-tailed Hummingbird, up to 15 Black Jacobins, Frilled Coquette, Violet-caped Woodnymph, Versicolored Emerald and Sombre Hummingbird. The photo above is of a Violet-capped Woodnymph photographed in the lodge garden by Hop Hopkins.

Highlights on the trails over the past couple of weeks have included the following:

Serra dos Tucanos Lodge and Trails

We have had several sightings of Solitary Tinamou on the extension trail, Black and White Hawk Eagle, one Blue-bellied Parrot showed particularly well for a group last week, Spot-billed Toucanet, Channel-billed Toucan, Thrush-like Woodcreeper, Lesser Woodcreeper, 3 White-eyed Foliage Gleaners, Plain Xenops and 2 Tawny-throated Leaftossers, both Spot-breasted and Plain Antvireos, Star-throated Antwren, 1 elusive Giant Antshrike, 3 Scaled Antbirds on the Extension Trail has to be one of the main highlights together with both Black-cheeked and Rufous Gnateaters. Blue and Pin-tailed Manakins still remain common on the lodge trails. Tanager sightings have included Green-headed, Red-necked, Burnished Buff, Golden-chevroned, Red-crowned Ant and Flame-crested.

Giant Antshrike© Hop Hopkins

Three-toed Jacamar Excursion

It looks like the record of 110 species for the day is proving hard to beat for this popular excursion! Some highlights include 3 Whistling Herons, 5 White-tailed Hawks, 2 Aplomado Falcons, 4 Slaty-breasted Wood Rails, 1 Blackish Rail, 2 Ash-throated Crakes, an amazing total of 6 Red-legged Seriemas, 20 White-eyed Parakeets, 1 Planalto Hermit, 2 Three-toed Jacamars, 5 White-eared Puffbirds, 2 Firewood Gatherers and 6 Streamer-tailed Tyrants.

Bamboo Trail

This great trail that leads through some fantastic primary forest provided some excellent birding for a small group last week, highlights included 2 Scale-throated Hermits, 1 Plovercrest, 1 Brazilian Ruby, both Black-throated and Surucua Trogons, 1 Yellow-eared Woodpecker, 3 Lesser Woodcreepers, Chicli and Rufous-capped Spinetails, 3 Pallid Spinetails, 2 Red-eyed Thornbirds, 4 White-browed Foliage Gleaners, 2 Buff-browed Foliage Gleaners, 2 Sharp-billed Treehunters, 3 Bertonis Antbirds, 1 Ochre-rumped Antbird, 1 Slaty Bristlefront, 2 Hooded Berryeaters, 1 Greenish Schiffornis, 3 Pin-tailed Manakins, 1 Yellow-legged Thrush, 3 Rufous-crowned Greenlets, 2 White-rimmed Warblers and 6 Brassy-breasted Tanagers. A total of 19 Atlantic forest endemics for the day!

Cedae Trail

Located just 10 minutes drive from the lodge this trail provides some great birding at approximately 600m in altitude. Although this is only a 200m altitude difference from the lodge the bird life is really quite different. Highlights included 2 Surucua Trogons, fantastic views of a Buff-bellied Puffbird, 1 Yellow-browed Woodpecker, 2 White-barred Piculets, Lesser Woodcreeper, Streaked Xenops, amazingly 1 Swallow-tailed Cotinga (this is usually a bird seen above 1600m in our local area), 1 Chestnut-vented Conebill, 6 Red-necked Tanagers and a party of 10 Olive-green Tanagers.

High Altitude Trails

Again some great birding has been had on our 2 High Altitude Trails, sightings have included White-tailed Hawk, 1 Red-legged Seriema, 2 Plovercrests, 3 Variable Antshrikes, 2 Rufous-backed Antvireos, 1 Dusky-tailed Antbird, 1 Serra do Mar Tapaculo, 7 Swallow-tailed Cotingas, 1 Large-tailed Antshrike, 1 Rufous-capped Antshrike, 2 Rufous-tailed Antbirds, 2 Serra do Mar Tyrannulets, 2 Velvety-black Tyrants, 1 Blue-billed Black-Tyrant, 2 Shear-tailed Gray-Tyrants, 1 Olivaceous Elaenia, 1 White-necked Thrush, 1 Diademed Tanager, 1 Chestnut-headed Tanager, 2 Cinnamon Tanagers, Thick-billed Saltator, Green-winged Saltator, 2 Bay-chested Warbling Finches and a small party of Hooded Siskins.

Bay-chested Warbling Finch© Hop Hopkins

Mammal sightings over the past couple of weeks have included Tayra, Brown Howler Monkey, Capybaras and Guanian Squirrel.